Follow Me 1D

Project 1 Activity


In this activity you will implement bang-bang control and p-control and then use them to control the robot in one direction. You’ll use these feedback controllers across many parts of projects 1 and 2. First implement the feedback controllers such that they pass the unit tests. Then implement follow me 1D. Complete the following:

  • Implement bangBangControl() in mbot_lib/mbot_lib/controllers.cpp according to the header file mbot_lib/mbot_lib/controllers.h.
  • Implement pControl() in mbot_lib/mbot_lib/controllers.cpp according to the header file mbot_lib/mbot_lib/controllers.h.
  • Implement follow me 1D in p1_wall_follower/2_follow_1d.cpp so that the robot performs the behavior specified below.

Remember to check out the MBot Bridge API. Feel free to use either bangBangControl() or pControl() to implement follow me 1D.

Expected Behavior

The robot should follow an obstacle in the forward/backward (x) direction as shown in the video below.


The functions can be tested by running the local unit tests. To test only the functions for this checkpoint run ctest -R BangBangControl --output-on-failure && ctest -R PControl --output-on-failure in the /build directory.

The robot behavior can be tested by running the follow_1d executable.