Super Mario State Machine


In this checkpoint, you will write a Finite State Machine to transition Mario between states based on events in the game environment. Complete the following:

  • Implement the super mario finite state machine in the playGame() function in p2_bug_navigation/1_super_mario.cpp according to the header file p2_bug_navigation/super_mario/super_mario.h and the behavior specified below.

A good way to structure your code is to use a switch() statement to switch between code that should run in each state. Inside each case you may need another switch() statement to decide how the state should transition based on the currentEvent. The Dead Mario state is handled for you.

Expected Behavior

The program should adhere to the following behavior:

Mario has three states:

  • Small Mario (represented as the . character or 0)
  • Regular Mario (represented as the m charater or 1)
  • Big Mario (represented as the M charater or 2)
  • Dead Mario (represented as the x charater or -1)

Mario starts off Regular Mario (m), and encounters events. Events are represented as char variables, and the whole game sequence is stored as a vector of events. Mario can encounter the following events:

  • No event (an underscore, _): State states the same.
  • A turtle (a minus sign, -): This makes Mario decrease to the next smallest size. If he is already Small Mario, this will terminate the game.
  • A mushroom (a plus sign, +): This will make Mario increase to the next biggest size. If he is already Big Mario, he will stay the same size.

This is a Finite State Machine that can be visualized as follows:

Super Mario FSM

Every step taken in Small Mario state should add 0 points. Every step taken in Regular Mario state should add 1 point. Every step taken in Big Mario state should add 3 points.


All the code for this checkpoint can be tested by running the local unit tests. To test only the functions for this checkpoint run ctest -R SuperMario --output-on-failure in the /build directory.

If you want to run the game for yourself you can run the executable super_mario. Just running the executable will generate a random event sequence. If you want to run on one of the test sequences run ./super_mario ../test/EVENT_FILE_NAME where “EVENT_FILE_NAME” is one of the event files in the /test directory, for example no_events.txt or seq01.txt.