Course Schedule

ROB 102, Fall 2024 at The University of Michigan

Week 1

Date Pre-class (due before start of class) In-class Project
August 26   Course Initialization [Slides]
Join Robotics 102 Piazza
Complete Student Workflow Survey
Join Robotics 102 PrairieLearn
August 28 Lecture: “Hello World” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 1
Activity: First C++ Programs [Slides]
VSCode Setup
Project 0 Release
August 30   Lab: VSCode, Coding, and the MBot-Omni [Slides]
Project 1 Team Assignments

Week 2

Date Pre-class In-class Project
September 2   Labor day  
September 4 Lecture: “C++ Operators and Variables” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 2
Activity: GenAI and Eliza102 [Slides]  
September 6   Lab: Git, MBot API, Drive Square [Slides] Project 1 Release

Week 3

Date Pre-class In-class Project
September 9 Lecture: “Branching and Iteration” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 3
Calculator FSM Review
Project work: Single-operation Calculator [Branching Digest] [Iteration Digest]
September 11 Lecture: “Feedback Control” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 4
Activity: Follow Me 1D and Bang-Bang Control [Slides]  
September 13   Project 0 and 1 Working Session  

Week 4

Date Pre-class In-class Project
September 16 Lecture: “C++ Functions” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 5
Activity: Laser Rangefinding and Laser Ray Conversion [Slides] Project 0 Deadline
September 18 Lecture: “Omnidrive Geometry” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 6
Activity: Drive Star [Slides]  
September 20   Lab: C++ Review  

Week 5

Date Pre-class In-class Project
September 23 Lecture: “C++ Vectors and Structs” [PrairieLearn] [Slides] [Complete Video]
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 7
Quiz 0
Activity: Find Minimum Value Slides
September 25 Lecture: “Wall Follower 3D Vector Math” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 2 Zone 3
Activity: Follow Me 2D Slides  
September 27   Project 1 Work Session  

Week 6

Date Pre-class In-class Project
September 30   Project 1 Demo Session Project 2 Release
October 2 Lecture: “Bug Navigation and FSMs” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 3 Zone 1
Activity: Super Mario FSM Slides Project 1 Deadline
October 4   Lab: Hit the Spot / Odometry  

Week 7

Date Pre-class In-class Project
October 7 Lecture: “Coordinate Frames” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 3 Zone 2
Quiz 1
Activity: Obstacle Slice Detection Slides
October 9   Bug Algorithm Pseudocode  
October 11   Project 2 Work Session  

Week 8

Date Pre-class In-class Project
October 14   Fall Study Break  
October 16   Quiz 2  
October 18   Lab: Robot Localization Workflow  

Week 9

Date Pre-class In-class Project
October 21 Lecture: “C++ Structs” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 1 Zone 6
Activity: Car Value Calculator Slides  
October 23 Lecture: “Mapping and Local Search” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 4 Zone 1
Activity: Pathfinding in Michigan Slides Worksheet  
October 25   Project 2 Demo Session Project 2 Deadline
Project 3 Release

Week 10

Date Pre-class In-class Project
October 28 Lecture: “Global Search: BFS & A-Star” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 4 Zone 2
Activity: C++ Pathfinding in Michigan Slides  
October 30   Project 3 Work Session  
November 1   Lab: Using the Navigation Webapp  

Week 11

Date Pre-class In-class Project
November 4 Lecture: “Machine Learning” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 5 Zone 1
Activity: Deep Learning Demonstration Slides Notebook
Project 3 Work Session
Project 4 Release
November 6 Lecture: “Python Introduction” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 5 Zone 2
Python Review
Activity: Python Pocket Calculator Slides
November 8   Project 3 Work Session  

Week 12

Date Pre-class In-class Project
November 11 Lecture: “Nearest Neighbors” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 5 Zone 3
Activity: Image Distance in Python Slides Notebook  
November 13   Project 3 Work Session  
November 15   Project 3 Work Session  

Week 13

Date Pre-class In-class Project
November 18 Lecture: “Neural Network Training” PrairieLearn Slides Complete Video
PrairieLearn LRQ: Homework 5 Zone 4
Activity: Machine Learning with SciKit Learn Slides Notebook  
November 20   Quiz 3  
November 22   Project 3 Work Session Project 3 Deadline

Week 14

Date Pre-class In-class Project
November 25   Project 3 Demo Session  
November 27   Thanksgiving Break  
November 29   Thanksgiving Break  

Week 15

Date Pre-class In-class Project
December 2   Handwritten Digit Dataset  
December 4   Quiz 4  
December 6   Project 4 Work Session  

Week 16

Date Pre-class In-class Project
December 9   Project 4 Demo Session  
December 12   No Class Project 4 Deadline