Drive Star

Project 1 Activity


In this activity you will implement functions for converting between polar and cartesian coordinates. You will then use one of these functions to drive the robot in a star shape without turning. Complete the following:

  • Implement rayConversionCartesian() in mbot_lib/mbot_lib/utils.cpp according to the header file mbot_lib/mbot_lib/utils.h.
  • Implement rayConversionVector() in mbot_lib/mbot_lib/utils.cpp according to the header file mbot_lib/mbot_lib/utils.h.
  • Implement drive star in p1_wall_follower/3_drive_star.cpp so that the robot performs the behavior specified below.

You may want to look up or derive the angles associated with a five pointed star.

  • Hint: The sides of the star are easiest to describe in polar coordinates but needs cartesian coordinates.

Expected Behavior

The robot should drive in an equilateral five pointed star shape without spinning. Aim for a side length of around 1 meter.


Note that the error from driving will likely keep your shape from looking exactly like a star.


The functions can be tested by running the local unit tests. To test only the functions for this checkpoint run ctest -R RayConversionCartisean --output-on-failure && ctest -R RayConversionVector --output-on-failure in the /build directory.

The robot behavior can be tested by running the drive_star executable.